User Guide

Duke is a free program which act as a personal chat bot to help you manage your tasks.
Duke is a desktop application optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). If you can type fast, Duke can allow you to manage and organise your tasks faster than traditional GUI apps.

Quick start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer.

  2. Download the latest duke.jar from here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your Duke.

  4. Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI similar to the below should appear in a few seconds.
    Start Page

  5. Type the command in the command box and press ENTER/click on the SEND button to execute it. e.g., typing help and pressing ENTER will send a short user-guide message from Duke.

    Some example commands you can try:

    • list : Lists all tasks in Duke.

    • todoCS2100 Lab 3 : Adds a todo named CS2100 Lab 3 to the task list.

    • delete3 : Deletes the 3rd task shown in the current list of tasks.

    • done1 : Marks the 1st task shown in the current list of tasks as done.

    • bye : Exits the application.

  6. Refer to the Features below for details of each command.


:information_source: Notes about the command format:

Viewing help: help

Shows a message explaning the commands that Duke understand.

Format: help

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Here is what you can do with me:
   * help: list of the commands that I understand
   * todo <description>: add a new TODO
   * deadline <description> /by <dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm>: add a new DEADLINE
   * event <description> /at <dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm>: add a new EVENT
   * list: list out the tasks you have currently
   * delete <task number>: delete the task from your list
   * done <task number>: mark the task as complete
   * retrieve <dd/MM/yyyy>: retrieves the tasks due on or happening on this date
   * find <keyword>: retrieves the tasks that contain the keyword
   * sort: sorts your list by their task type and then by their date and time if any
   * bye: exit the application

Adding a todo: todo

Adds a todo to Duke.

Format: todo DESCRIPTION

:bulb: Tip: Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user.

Example of usage:

todo play basketball

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task:
     [T][✘] play basketball
Now you have 1 task in the list.

Adding a deadline: deadline

Adds a deadline to Duke.

Format: deadline DESCRIPTION /by <dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm>

:bulb: Tip: Date and Time in angle brackets have to follow a certain format.

Example of usage:

deadline CS2100 Assignment 1 /by 15/09/2020 12:00

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task: 
     [D][✘] CS2100 Assignment 1 (by: 15 September 2020, 12:00 PM)
Now you have 2 tasks in the list.

Adding an event: event

Adds an event to Duke.

Format: event DESCRIPTION /at <dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm>

Example of usage:

event SOC Welcome Tea /at 02/11/2020 10:00

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task: 
     [E][✘] SOC Welcome Tea (at: 02 November 2020, 10:00 AM)
Now you have 3 tasks in the list.

Listing all tasks: list

Shows a list of all tasks in Duke.

Format: list

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Here are the tasks in your list:
   1.[T][✘] play basketball
   2.[D][✓] SEP application (by: 23 October 2020, 12:59 PM)
   3.[E][✘] SOC Welcome Tea (at: 02 November 2020, 10:00 AM)

Deleting a task: delete

Deletes an existing task in the current list of tasks.

Format: delete INDEX

Example of usage:

delete 2

Expected outcome:

Noted. I've removed this task:
     [D][✓] SEP application (by: 23 October 2020, 12:59 PM)
Now you have 2 tasks in the list.

Marking a task as done: done

Marks an existing task in the current list of tasks as done.

Format: done INDEX

Example of usage:

done 1

Expected outcome:

Nice! I've marked this task as done: 
     [T][✓] play basketball"

Retrieving tasks by date: retrieve

Retrieves tasks from the exisiting list of tasks.

Format: retrieve <dd/MM/yyyy>

Example of usage:

retrieve 23/10/2020

Expected outcome:

Here are the deadlines and events happening on 23 October 2020:
   1.[D][✘] ST2334 Assignment 1 (by: 23 October 2020, 12:00 PM) 
   2.[E][✘] CS2100 Lab 4 (at: 23 October 2020, 06:00 PM)

Finding tasks by keyword: find

Finds tasks which description contains the keyword.

Format: find KEYWORD

Example of usage:

find book

Expected outcome:

Here are the matching tasks in your list:
   1.[T][✘] borrow book
   2.[D][✘] readbook (by: 12 February 2020, 12:32 PM)
   3.[E][✘] return book (at: 12 April 2014, 14:09 PM)

Sorting tasks: sort

Sorts tasks in the exisiting list of tasks.

Format: sort

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Got it! I've sorted your tasks:
   1.[T][✘] eat dinner
   2.[T][✘] play basketball
   3.[D][✘] CS2103T ip (by: 15 September 2020, 11:59 PM)
   4.[D][✘] ST2334 Assignment 1 (by: 20 October 2020, 06:00 PM)
   5.[E][✘] SEP application (at: 12 February 2020, 12:00 PM)
   6.[E][✘] Internship seminar (at: 12 December 2020, 13:15 PM)

Exiting the program: bye

Exits the program.

Format: bye

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Application closes.

Saving the data

Duke data are saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data. There is no need to save manually.


Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous Duke home folder.

Command summary

Action Format, Examples
Help help
e.g., todo play basketball
Deadline deadline DESCRIPTION /by <dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm>
e.g., deadline CS2100 Assignment 1 /by 15/09/2020 12:00
Event event DESCRIPTION /at <dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm>
e.g., event SOC Welcome Tea /at 02/11/2020 10:00
List list
Delete delete INDEX
e.g.,delete 2
Done done INDEX
e.g.,done 3
Retrieve retrieve <dd/MM/yyyy>
e.g.,retrieve 23/10/2020
Find find KEYWORD
e.g., find book
Sort sort
Bye bye